Monday 13 February 2017

1878 - (February 13, 2017)

150 Years Of Canada

On September 17, following the federal election, John A. Macdonald becomes Prime Minister again, replacing Prime Minister Alexander Mackenzie's whose Liberal government was defeated by Macdonald's Conservatives.
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Wanting to turn the west into the breadbasket of the British Empire, Macdonald created the National Policy. The National Policy aimed to deal with America's desire to dominate Canada's west economically. Part of the National Policy involved Canada creating tariffs for many American produced products, economically developing the land west of Manitoba and strengthening eastern Canadian manufacturing by developing the infrastructure of Canada's west. (See link)

Image result for national policy 1878
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In 1878, the British Columbia government bans Chinese labourers from working on public works. (See link about the Chinese in British Columbia).

"Sep 02/1878 – B.C. Provincial Legislature passes the bill known as the “Chinese Tax Act” by which every Chinese person over 12 years of age would pay $10 every three months to take out a license to reside in B.C. (SBC 1878, p.30)" (Source: )

Source of image: (An image from an 1879 Montreal newspaper, in reference to British Columbia's 1878 Chinese Tax Act)

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