Monday 20 February 2017

1885 - The Last Spike; Red River Rebellion; Louis Riel is Tried; Louis Riel is Executed (February 20, 2017)

150 Years Of Canada
In March of 1885, Louis Riel and the Metis fight against the North-West Mounted Police (NWMP). 

On April 24 the North-West Rebellion starts with the Metis fighting the Canadian Militia.  (See link).

Between May 9 and 12, the Battle of Batoche takes place and finds the Metis defeated. (See link).

Louis Riel is charged with treason on July 6 and found guilty on August 1. His trial was extremely controversial as John A. Macdonald charged him with a 1342 British law which allowed for the death penalty (whereas high treason in Canada did not have the death penalty). He is sentenced to death. (See link about Riel's trial and execution).
Louis Riel talks at his trial. Only one of the six jurors spoke French.
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The Last Spike of the Canadian Pacific Railway takes place at Craigellachie in British Columbia on November 7 (see link).

The Last Spike:
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Louis Riel is hanged on November 16 in Regina.

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