Saturday 18 March 2017

1910 - King Edward VII Dies. He Is Succeeded By King George V.

King Edward VII dies on May 6, 1910. Succeeding him in the throne of the United Kingdom, the British Dominion and Emperor of India was George V (born George Frederick Ernest Albert).
Among the many Canadian milestones in King Edward the Vii's life was the laying of the cornerstone of Parliament Hill in Ottawa during his four month long visit to British North America and the United States.
The future King Edward (VII) in 1860 during his visit to Niagara Falls.
Source of image:

George V was the second oldest child of the deceased King Edward VII. He was also the first cousin of both Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and Kaiser Wilhem II of Germany, both of who were also very pivotal figures during World War I.

King George V and his first cousin Nicholas II of Russia. Notice their close physical resemblance.
Source of image:

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